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ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH antiperspirant
02/14/2020 / By Tracey Watson

There was a time when walking around with deodorant-free – and even unwashed – armpits was quite normal. In fact,

[addtoany url="http://2020-02-14-young-consumers-in-america-shun-commercial-antiperspirants.html" title="Nearly 40 percent of young consumers in America SHUN commercial antiperspirants in favor of “natural” deodorants"]

02/05/2020 / By Isabelle Z.

We’re constantly learning more about the health dangers in our environment thanks to ongoing research, and while this can be

[addtoany url="http://2020-02-05-have-you-worn-eaten-or-injected-this-metal.html" title="Have you worn, eaten or injected this cancer-causing metal lately?"]