Wednesday, November 30, 2022 by Ethan Huff
Rains PDX, a high-end clothing and apparel store in far-left Portland, is closing down following not just one, two or even three, but rather 15 break-ins over the past several years.
Marcy Landolfo, the store’s owner, told local news affiliate KATU that she has no choice but to shut down the business because “the products that are being targeted are the very expensive winter products and I just felt like the minute I get those in the store, they’re going to get stolen.”
The other problem is employee and customer safety. If Rains PDX has already been targeted more than a dozen times by criminal thieves, there is no reason to think that this trend will not continue, potentially putting human lives at risk.
“The problem is, as small businesses, we cannot sustain those types of losses and stay in business,” Landolfo added. “I won’t even go into the numbers of how much has been out of pocket.”
Customers of Rains PDX can still order products online, but the storefront itself now bears a sign on the door indicating that it is permanently closed. (Related: Remember when Trump’s Department of Justice [DoJ] declared Portland, along with Seattle and New York City, to be “anarchy” zones following the George Floyd false flag incident?)
A few years ago when widespread anarchy really started taking hold in places like Portland, the media framed the issue as another left-versus-right thing. Those rioting and breaking into stores were just angry at “systemic racism,” which, to leftists, made their criminal activity acceptable.
More than two years later, however, business owners like Landolfo recognize that the problem is so out of control that making a living is becoming an impossibility in Portland, which she described on her sign as being a city “in peril.”
We do not know Landolfo’s political leanings, and quite frankly it does not matter. She is a small business owner who can no longer operate as normal because Portland is simply too unsafe these days to do so.
“Small businesses (and large) cannot sustain doing business in our city’s current state,” the closure sign on the front door of Rains PDX reads. “We have no protection or recourse against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished. Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins. We have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd.”
“Please do your part to support small businesses this holiday season and beyond. Please be vigilant in voting to make our city safe again.”
Again, it cannot be stressed enough that this is not a political issue. If commerce and the economy go by the wayside, everyone will suffer regardless of their political leanings.
This is an American issue. Do you value the freedom to run a business without thieves stealing your products and the fruits of your labor? Do you value maintaining the rule of law to ensure the safety and protection of you, your family, and your neighbors? That is what this is all about.
KATU has reportedly contacted Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, to inquire about increasing funding for businesses like Rains PDX that need help. However, Landolfo is not convinced that this is enough because it just addresses the symptoms of a much bigger problem plaguing Portland.
“Paying for glass: that’s great,” she says, “but that is so surface and does nothing for the root cause of the problem, so it’s never going to change.”
The breakdown of America is moving right along as the globalists intend. To keep up with the latest news, visit Collapse.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: absurd, anarchy, break-ins, chaos, Collapse, crime, economic collapse, economic riot, globalist agenda, insanity, left cult, liberal cities, Portland, Rains, small business, supply chain, unpunished criminals, unrest, violence
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